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The Jobs
Because I found myself can't solve the issues that most people can't.
Because I found myself got a bunch of uncompleted tasks but I still wandering around.
Because I found the most important thing is not to start, but to finish.
Because I found the information comes in every single day is far beyond my appetite.
Because I want to shut up and finish my job.
So, twitter lost me, but not totally, it's still my favorite.
So, blueidea lost me, but not at midnight, it's still like my home on the web.
So, PSP lost me, it just became my wife's video player.
So, you lost me? Sorry, I don't mean to fail you, it's so sad you can't lost me :P
I'm still around, listening, reading, thinking, meditating, enjoying everything it could be.
I'm still updating the LIVE!
I'm still shooting everywhere and upload to there, there, and there.
I'm still blogging here......
After all, I'm clearing up my job, and doing my daily WII exercise.
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most important thing is not to start, but to finish受用。
^_^Posted by langmuir at 2008年02月05日 08:58 | back to top
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