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MT 3.1 Beta test calling

  MovableType 3.1测试征集中,填表即可有机会被选中参加测试,上次有幸被选中参加了,这次不知道有没有机会......

Thank you for filling out the survey. Now that you've indicated that you're interested in participating in the beta, here is how the beta testing will proceed:
  • The beta will begin during the week of August 9, 2004.
  • From the responses to the form, we will randomly select people to participate in the beta.
  • The beta will be run in phases, so as not to introduce any beta-level bugs into a wide audience of people at one time.
  • Once you're introduced into the beta testing, you will receive an email message notifying you where to download the beta distribution of Movable Type 3.1.
  • You'll then be able to install the software, provided that you agree to the beta testing license.
  • We will ask that you report any bugs that you may discover to us using our bug reporting software.
Posted by POPOEVER at 2004年08月08日 23:37 | back to top

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