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The Space Brothers: Your Place In The World

Happy National Day, China! Well, it's half past three in the midnight, still got some VI design in process, modeling and rendering some chill 3D figures in Cinema 4D, blogging this entry in Safari for Windows instead of Firefox in purpose of dumping up more memory for the 3D gourmand, so, sorry for the English.

The Space Brothers, a chillout music band by Ricky Simmonds and Stephen Jones, produced this somewhat extraterristrial single in 1997 and released in their famous album "Shine" on the same year. It's about the philosophy of philanthropy, attitude of life, and just a perfect relax while you need a refreshment, chill up, good to go again.

Once more, Happy National Day to China, our motherland, although we can not make every single Chinese people happy indeed, some of them still have to struggle very hard for, and only for the right to live on their homeland, welfare is a word they long for but can't belong, bless them, God speed......


Every truth that′s ever spoken,
Every voice that′s ever heard
You all share the same emotions
Every soul upon the earth
Every man from your beginning
Every women, every birth
You all share a common reason
Every soul upon the earth

We can only love you
We can only love

Everybody senses danger
Everybody feels the hurt
You all share a common future
Every soul upon the earth

Travel home to yourself
Find your place in the world

We can only love you
We can only love

Every heart that′s ever broken
Every dream that′s ever cursed
You all share the same emotions
Every soul upon the earth

We can only love you
We can only love

Travel home to yourself
Find you place in the world

BTW: This is not the original one from "Shine", it's derived from SamSung ChillOut Sessions CD 02, it's perfect for loop play, you even couldn't tell the begin/end after some plays :)

Download Link
PassCode: plod.popoever.com

PS: I found Safari for Windows has more stable connection to box.net than Firefox, is that only a heartbeat? Expecting next version of Safari for Windows implementing perfect Chinese input method, can't wait to drop my Firefox, I don't need extensions, I need performance! Cheer up, dude, happy long vacation!

Posted by POPOEVER at 2007年10月01日 03:33 | back to top

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  1. #227627


    另外贵站的首页连接里的 无知的博客 不能显示了

    Posted by sora at 2007年10月08日 15:22 | back to top

  2. #227697


    Posted by 自由勇 at 2007年10月09日 11:23 | back to top

  3. #227731






    Posted by lusin at 2007年10月10日 12:58 | back to top

  4. #227792

    @sora @自由勇 两位兄弟,首页因为限制外部链接数量,所以暂时不添加链接了,你们的链接我已经添加在链接页面了:)

    Posted by POPOEVER at 2007年10月12日 09:54 | back to top

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