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Opera和Adobe Creative Suite 2

  大家都在传Adobe Creative Suite 2的新闻,我倒是看到这么一则有点意思的消息,CS 2将采用Opera作为渲染输出的预览浏览器,想必主要是为GoLive CS 2服务的。CS 2的吸引之处已经被连篇累牍,不消我废话,那么Opera究竟在哪方面吸引了Adobe呢?开放的标准和跨屏幕分辨率的Small-Screen渲染技术。很明显,Adobe已经期望GoLive CS 2在Mobile领域的表现了。作为Browser War中始终在吃冷炙的优秀浏览器Opera,依托Adobe这棵参天大树,吃上像样的饼子应该是不成问题了,只是内置和独立的概念还是有区别的,什么时候CS 2的用户能激动得删掉其他浏览器,热泪盈眶地说“我就买它了”,Opera也该像Firefox那样神奇一把了......

Opera has just announced that its popular internet browser will be integrated into the upcoming release of the Adobe Creative Suite. Neowin exclusively reported several weeks ago, that Adobe planned to launch Photoshop CS2 this coming May. Creative Suite 2 products (including GoLive) will use the Opera browsing engine to preview output.

"Adobe Creative Suite 2 is a complete design environment that accelerates publishing workflows for print, the Web, and mobile platforms," said John Brennan, senior vice president of Creative Professional products at Adobe. "The advanced rendering technologies and open standards provided by Opera's advanced Web browser ensure that designers using Adobe Creative Suite 2 can create and realize their best work, for output online or to the latest handheld devices."

Adobe will make heavy use of Opera Small-Screen Rendering technology, which allows for simulated output of content on different screen sizes. (Proving very useful for web designers and graphic artists who today, must create platform-independent content)

--via neowin

Posted by POPOEVER at 2005年04月08日 10:46 | back to top

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  1. #2143


    Posted by lexrus at 2005年04月08日 11:27 | back to top

  2. #2144

    为什么发完评论显示一个空白的页面? mt都这样么? 太不友好了 >_~

    Posted by lexrus at 2005年04月08日 11:30 | back to top

  3. #2145


    Posted by POPOEVER at 2005年04月08日 11:45 | back to top

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