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IPB 2.0.0 Dev Update #4 (12th May)


This is the fourth IPB 2.0.0 development update. These updates are designed to keep you informed on the development progress of Invision Power Board v2.0.0.

We've almost completed IPB 2.0.0 PDR 3 and this is where things get quite exciting as we begin to wrap up the 'middle' part of the last stage of development and testing. So far we're very pleased with the progress and the great work in finding and reporting bugs.
IPB 2.0.0 PDR 3已几近完成,对工程的进度和查错工作我们非常满意。

The last few features are being added for PDR 3 including the last elements of the new skinning and templating system. We have also fixed up a number of the largest bugs reported and are pleased with the overall stability and security of the system.
最新加入PDR 3的几个新功能包括全新的皮肤和模板系统的元件。同时也修正的一些较大的bug,系统稳定性以及安全性整体上是令人满意的。

New feature: Template Search and Replace
新功能: 模板搜索及替换

We have included a very useful search and replace tool to improve upon the functionality offered in IPB 1. The new search now enables you to 'quick' search through the template set and its parents for keywords or HTML tags. The results are shown in a familiar format and you can edit them from there or preview the matches. This is very handy if you've seen a block of HTML in the output and wish to trace where it is stored within the database system.
基于IPB 1的相应功能,我们改进并增强了这个非常实用的搜索及替换工具。新工具可以使你“快速”在模板集及其父集合中搜索关键字和HTML标记,并以你所熟悉的格式显示结果,你可以直接编辑或预览。如果你在输出页面上看见一整段的HTML代码并且想追踪它们被存储在数据系统中的位置时,这个工具将会十分便利。

There is also a more powerful 'search and replace' tool which enables one to enter regular expressions to match and optionally replace HTML. You can simply preview the matches and the replacements if you wish to just search using regular expressions or to ensure that you have your expressions correct. Of course, you can just search and replace normal text without needing to learn regular expressions.

The usefulness of this tool shouldn't be overlooked as it enables one to make global and sweeping changes to your templates with little work. An example: you might wish to make sure that all your DIVs are called using IDs and not classes. To enable this, all you'd need to do is enter "<div\s+?class=(["'])" and replace with "<div id=\\1". (Of course we're not suggesting that you actually do that...)
该工具的作用不可小视,它可以使你动几下指头就完成全局的大量的修改任务。举个例子: 你可能想为你所有的DIV标记声明ID属性,替换原来的class属性,要完成这个任务,只需输入"<div\s+?class=(["'])" and replace with "<div id=\\1"。(当然我们并不是建议你真的这样做...)

Latest Release Date Estimates

PDR3 (next beta release): Monday 17th May
RC1 (first supported release): Thursday 27th May
公共开发第三版(下一个beta版本): 5月17日 星期一
公测第一版(开始提供支援): 5月27日 星期四

Please note that these dates are only estimates and should only be used as a guide. They are subject to change without notice due to the unpredictable nature of software development. Put simply: they are dates that seem reasonable based on the current speed of development.

What's left to do?

We've still got a fair bit of work to do before IPB 2 reaches release candidate quality. The full feature set is now implemented (apart from a few minor tweaks and enhancements). I hope to have full database abstraction for PDR 4 and the remainder of the reported bugs should be fixed by then also.
离预发布版本尚有一些工作需要完成。所有功能均已植入,希望在PDR 4时完成数据库抽象层以及修复目前报告的bug的剩余部分。

Skins and Languages

As mentioned in other announcements, the skins and language sets are not complete and will receive an overhaul during the development cycle. As a rule of thumb, the skins and langauges will not be complete until PR 1 (RC 1).

Upgrading to PDR 3 from PDR 1 or 2

We have initiated our new upgrade system and a new upgrade module will be written for PDR 3.

Upgrading from 1.3 to 2.0.0

There is currently no upgrade path from 1.3 to 2.0.0. We plan on writing the upgrade script for around PDR 4 (Beta 4). Until then please don't try and import a 1.3 database into 2.0 - it simply won't work.

Posted by POPOEVER at 2004年05月13日 22:36 | back to top

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