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IPB 2.0 updates and information

Matt's leading to develop 2 major improvements of IPB 2.0, IPB HTML Logic & IPB Stronghold, both fantastic features, especially HTML Logic, almost a self-customizable language, enpowering the IPB template system and your templating experience, see thousands of skin designers and moder hailing out there, me one of them, yeahhhhhhhhh [|^._____.^|]

It's been a while since the last update on the status of IPB 2.0 largely because of the holidays and that I've been moving the UK office which will give better service to our UK customers.

I've been back to work on IPB 2.0 and have a few new features that I'm sure will make using 2.0 easier and more productive as well as increasing security of your member's accounts. It will be a little longer before we update this board to the latest build because I'm in the middle of a large templating rewrite that needs to be completed before it's stable enough to use here.

Invision Power Board HTML Logic
This has been a very popular feature request and I've deliberated over its inclusion for a while. I've designed a system that I think gives the best balance between using logic in HTML without suffering any speed or efficiency penalties. In IPB 1.x, the focus was on PHP templates that were duplicated into a database to make editing easier - this has changed in IPB 2.0 where the focus is on templates stored in the database as normal HTML and can be written into pre-cached PHP files for on-the-fly use. This means that we still retain the raw speed that pre-written PHP files give and keep the flexibility of online editing.
IPB HTML logic will allow the template author to incorporate basic conditional statements which will output HTML based on that condition. I am aware that one should strive to remove logic from presentation but I think a large dynamic system such as a forum can really benefit from this as it will allow us to remove many separate template bits and remove trivial logic from the PHP code which will be streamlined into the HTML. To make it clearer, you can use the < comment > tag which is removed from the final output.

IPB Stronghold
The most common type of 'hack' attempt on modern dynamic scripted systems are cross scripting vulnerabilities (XSS). These types of attacks try and use carefully crafted links to take cookie information of the page viewer which is then used to attempt an auto-login using crafted cookies. IPB Stronghold will sterilize this type of attack so that even with stolen cookies the hacker will be unable to gain access to your account.
This will be an option to enable or disable from the user's control panel but it will be recommended that it's enabled for maximum security.

That's it for now - we're still on track for a late January first beta but that's subject to change depending on how development progresses. We'll keep you updated!

The original topic from IPS

Posted by POPOEVER at 2004年01月08日 11:31 | back to top

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